“That ship has sailed, the Name isn’t coming back”
Must be nice to dismiss an entire race’s culture.
No, it's not over. Native American imagery and names are under attack across the nation and battles are being fought every day, at every level. This is a stark reminder that your “inconvenient truth” of turning the other way while eradication of our culture happens all around you, is wrong. This will not deter our mission to defend, save and reclaim our Native American imagery and names. Those that want the issue to go away do so because they don't want to have to think about it anymore.
It’s never too late to be held accountable for the decisions and misinformation people accept. Listen to both sides of this debate rather than quickly folding to bully tactics.
We live in a majority rule society, not a mob rule society. It is time for organizations to respect the will of the majority of the Native American community and the majority of the members of their communities at large.
Organizations who have had a proud Native theme, only to have it callously taken away, are left with a wound that NEVER heals. Communities fall victim to self-hate and conflict.
A longitudinal study conducted by Andre Billeaudeaux reveals that students who experience a forced school name change suffer in this way. Increased levels of stress, depression, anxiety, and a reduction in academic performance as well as even suicide, result.
Native Americans and those that care about our culture refuse to allow this changed reality be our future.
There’s another way: respect Native Americans the same way you respect other racial groups and honor Native American majority opinions and beliefs. Fight for what is right.
The Native American Guardian’s Association does this. Every. Single. Day.
Educate Not Eradicate