“Who is paying you?”
No one must pay us for fighting against our eradication.
We are a non-profit and our donors have a very low average donation.
Our culture, names and imagery are being attacked on multiple fronts by the special interests, academia and fringe activists.
We are an all-volunteer group of like-minded Native Americans and Native American supporters.
We represent the 90% of Native Americans who believe discrimination against Native Americans is wrong.
Contrary to the false narrative being pushed by the eradication activists, NAGA has received ZERO funding from Dan Snyder, the Washington Redskins franchise or any of it's charitable divisions or foundations suggested by Sports Illustrated in 2020. Contrary to the claims, no one from NAGA was ever contacted by SI to respond to the mischaracterizations in this article.
Have you asked the opposition who’s behind their eradication funding?
More About NAGA:
The Native American Guardian's Association (NAGA) is a 501c3 non-profit organization advocating for increased education about Native Americans, especially in public educational institutions, and greater recognition of Native American Heritage through the high-profile venues of sports and other public platforms.
We encourage donations to NAGA to help defend Native American eradication: https://www.nagaeducation.org/donations